我国公司法应将一人公司纳入法定公司范畴 ,完善公司种类体系 ;公司立法应引入公司法人人格否认法理 ;改革我国公司设立原则 ,有限责任公司的设立实行准则主义 ,一人公司与股份有限公司的设立实行严格准则主义 ,某些关系国计民生的特殊企业的设立实行行政许可主义 ,增加设立无效的规则 ;以利益相关者理论为指导思想 ,以“效率优先 ,兼顾公平”为原则 ,扩大董事会职权 ,并加强对公司经营管理的监督 ,完善我国公司法人治理结构。
The paper covers the following aspects: In our corporation law, one-person corporation should be brought into the category of legal corporation so as to perfect the system of corporation types; It is necessary to introduce the principle of denying corporation juristic person personality in our legislation, reform the principle of setting up corporation including the principle of declaring the founding of a corporation invalid: the establishment of limited corporation practices criterion doctrine, one-person corporation and stock limited corporation carries out strict criterion doctrine, some special corporations concerning the national economy and the people’s livelihood practices the administration permission; In addition the power of director board should be enlarged and the supervision over the management of public affairs should be strengthened to perfecting the management structure of corporation juristic person. [WT5HZ]
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute