中国民法法典化已经是大势所趋。然而民法的法典化从来都不是偶然的 ,它是特定历史基础的必然产物。探寻民法法典化的基础 ,应以罗马法的历史为出发点 ,从社会形态、经济体制、政治模式、法哲学、法理论研究及法文化等几个主要方面展开论证。
The Codification of Civil Law in China has been an inevitable tendency. However, the codification of Civil Law is not ever an occasional matter, but a necessary result of certain historical foundations. Based on the history of Roman Law, the study mainly focuses on the social state, the economical system, the political model, legal philosophy, study of legal theory and legal culture in order to explore the foundations of codification of Civil Law.
Journal of Huan Public Security College