This letter proposes a novel hybrid component and configuration model for combined-cycle gas turbines(CCGTs) participating in independent system operator(ISO) markets. The proposed model overcomes the inaccuracy issues in the current configuration-based model while retaining its simple and flexible bidding framework of configuration-based models. The physical limitations—such as minimum online/offline time and ramping rates—are modeled for each component separately, and the cost is calculated with the bidding curves from the configuration modes. This hybrid mode can represent the current dominant bidding model in the unit commitment problem of ISOs while treating the individual components in CCGTs accurately. The commitment status of the individual components is mapped to the unique configuration mode of the CCGTs. The transitions from one configuration mode to another are also modeled. No additional binary variables are added, and numerical case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this model for CCGT units in the unit commitment problem.
This letter proposes a novel hybrid component and configuration model for combined-cycle gas turbines(CCGTs) participating in independent system operator(ISO) markets. The proposed model overcomes the inaccuracy issues in the current configuration-based model while retaining its simple and flexible bidding framework of configuration-based models. The physical limitations—such as minimum online/offline time and ramping rates—are modeled for each component separately, and the cost is calculated with the bidding curves from the configuration modes. This hybrid mode can represent the current dominant bidding model in the unit commitment problem of ISOs while treating the individual components in CCGTs accurately. The commitment status of the individual components is mapped to the unique configuration mode of the CCGTs. The transitions from one configuration mode to another are also modeled. No additional binary variables are added, and numerical case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this model for CCGT units in the unit commitment problem.
supported by the U.S.Department of Energy under Contract No.DE-AC36-08GO28308 with Alliance for Sustainable Energy,LLC,the Manager and Operator of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
U.S.Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office