随着中国回族学会的成立 ,回族学学科建设与完善成了回族学界关心的焦点问题。本文着力于回顾既往研究中所涉及的诸多问题展开历史追溯与反思 ,就什么是回族学、研究的对象与范围、研究的意义与作用、研究的方法、理论构建、学术素养等学术界较为关注的几个问题进行了具体考察 ,在追溯中反思我们今后的努力方向 ,力求为未来回族学的发展提供一定参考。
Along with China Huizu Studies Association (CHSA)coming into existence,many scholars have focused on the construction of the subject of the Hui ology. This paper aims to retrospection and reflection some problems involving in the past researches.Centering on the topics,the paper discuses the following questions in details. For example,what is Hui ology? What is it's object and area? What is the meaning and function of it? How do we study it? How do me construct it's theory system? And what quality should the researchers possess? This paper narrates and rethinks the valuable academic achievements to look forward to its future research.
Journal of The Second Northwest Institute For Ethnic Minorities(Philosophy and Social Science)