双语教学(Bilingual teaching),即在教学过程中使用非母语作为全部或者部分教学语言进行教学。与传统意义上的英语教学不同,双语教学要求在课堂上同时使用母语和外来语,以母语营造外来语的语言和文化环境,使学生在学习专业知识的同时提高外语水平。这不仅是全球化的国际环境对我国高校教育提出的必然要求,更是高校艺术设计专业本身发展的必然使命。本文从艺术设计专业双语教学的背景和视觉传达设计课程双语教学的必要性方面进行了具体的论述,并且从教学方法和教材的选择等方面在实践上进行了探索。
Being different from traditional English teaching, bilingual teaching requires the use of foreign language and mother language in a class at the same time. It refers to the building of an atmosphere of foreign language by using the mother language so that st udents can enhance their foreign language skill as well as learning professional knowledge. This paper has analyzed the background and necessity of bilingual teaching in Visual Communication Design course, and has explored possible teaching methods as well as the selection of textbooks.