本文首先阐明涂层对管道保护的重要作用 ,综述了目前长输管道涂层现状及常用涂层材料的特点 ,通过近几年来对数千公里管道的不同类型涂层检测、评价 ,总结出涂层失效的主要形式 ,从管道周围介质的腐蚀性、环境及涂层施工等方面 ,分析了外界条件与涂层失效的关系 ,以及导致涂层失效的主要原因。目前长输管道涂层失效的形式主要有 :涂层的剥离、龟裂。
In this article, the function of the coat to the piping, the current situation of the coat on the long distance piping and the characteristics of the usual coat was stated Through the inspection and evaluation for the coat on thousands kilometers piping, the main failure type of the coat was analyzed. From the aspects of corrosion, environment and construction, the relationship of the environment and the coat failure and main causes of the coat failure were analyzed. The main causes of the coat failure are stripping, crack, wear and deformation.
Process Equipment & Piping