空气中花粉散播规律的研究对于予防、诊断和治疗花粉致敏疾病具有重要的意义。本文报道了I987.4-1989.10哈尔滨地区二个区、两个不同高度的空中花粉飘散情况和1987.1~1989.12变态反应疾病(花粉过敏病)患者就诊情况。收集到空中花粉:南岗区低处135.033粒;高处158.028粒。动力区低处110.965粒;高处58.534粒。共79种属,分属于30个科植物(不包括未识别的)。有9种优势种(三年超千粒以上者)。每年从1月~12月空中均有花粉飘散,但集中在4月中旬~10月未.一年中出现两次高峰:春季4-5月和夏季的8月。春季主要是木本植物、柳属(salix L.)、桦木科居先;夏秋季主要是草本植物、蒿属(Artemisia L)居前.前者飘散时间短;后者飘散时间长达3~5个月,它们是秋季型花粉过敏症的主要致敏原。三年共诊治变态反应疾病患者3684人,其中花粉过敏患者1047人,占28.42%。花粉过敏患者发病规律与优势种致敏花粉的飘散规律一致。哈尔滨地区空中有豚草属(Ambrosia L)花粉飘散!!!且有增长趋势,这与本地区豚草花粉过敏患者逐年增加的趋势一致。急需调查豚草的有关问题,以便采取措施防止其漫延。
Abstract In this paper, the airborne pollen grains and morbid states of allergic victims from April 15, 1987 to December 31, 1989 in Harbin were examined. The samples were collected from higher (10.5; 20m) and lower (2; 2.3m) levels of two regions. Calculated a number of airborne pollen grains during from April to October 1987-1989. A total of 2210 slides contain 462, 481 airborne pollen grains. These airborne pollen grains belong to 30 families and 79 genera or species. There are 9 predominant species among them. The peak of airborne pollen grains appears in Spring (April to May) and Autumn (August) in the city. The spring peak of the pollen grains are main wood -plants, quantity of pollen grains is very large, but diffuse time of pollen grains is short. The Autumn peak of the pollen grains are herb-plants, quantity of pollen grains is generous, and continuous diffuse time of pollen grains is 3-5 months from June to October.
There were 3684 of allergic victims. There were 1047 of pollen allergic victims among them, it is in the ratio of 28.42%. The diseased rule of pollen allergic victims with species and diffuse rule of airborne allergic pollen grains were sameness.
Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University
Airborne pollen grains, Allergic victims, Ambrosia L.