6Daniela Vallega - Neu, Heidegger' s Contributions to Philosophy: An Introduction, Bloomington : Unjacketed Library Edition, 2003, p. 82 ,p. 218.
7Karsten Harries, Art Matters: A Critical Commentary on Heidegger' s " The Origin of the Work of Art", New Haven : Springer Netherlands, 2009, p. 111, p. 48, p. 184.
8Gail Stenstad, Transformations : Thinking after Heidegger, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, p. 107.
9Bret W. Davis, Heidegger and the Will : On the Way to Gelasssenheit, Washington : Northwestern University Press, 2007, p. 2.
10Jeff Malpas, Heidegger ' s Topology: Being, Place, World, Boston: The MIT Press, 2006, pp. 229,p. 215.