
汉派服装企业官方微博的运营现状与发展策略研究 被引量:1

Research on Official Micro-blog’s Operation of Han-Style Clothing Enterprises and Their Development Strategy Analysis
摘要 在微博成为Web时代最为重要的社交媒体之一的背景下,全球范围内大量服装企业纷纷开通了官方微博,借此通过社会网络传播途径来增强品牌影响力、激发潜在客户购买欲、提振产品市场占有率。通过对典型汉派服装企业官方微博运营情况的定量分析、辅以外资知名品牌企业的微博运营现状的对比,本文对现有汉派服装企业官方微博运营缺失提出了一些建设性意见与改进策略。在具体研究方案设计中,除了对十大典型汉派服装企业的官微运营现状进行了分类研究,本文还选择了部分相对活跃的服装企业官方微博作为汉派服装企业的社交媒体运营代表,将其与外资服装企业'优衣库'的官方微博运营状态,从内容到形式、从表层到深层进行了初步定量对比、分析。本文探究了两类企业微博运营方式带来的差异化传播效果的内在原因。相关研究结果为汉派服装企业未来利用微博这一社交媒体开展线上线下运营、提升企业品牌影响力、提振销售、重塑企业形象等方面提供了参考。 In the Web era, micro-blog becomes one of the most important social media. A large number of garment enterprises have opened the official micro-blogs, in order to enhance their brand impacts, to inspire potential customers ’ purchase desires,and to shore up their products ’ market share via this kind of social network. In this paper, shortcomings of some typical Han-style clothing enterprises are analyzed via official micro-blog operating status analysis and comparison with foreign well-known brand Enterprise’s microblog operating status.Some constructive suggestions and improvement strategies are proposed for reference. During the research design procedure, we also select some more active micro-blogs of those clothing enterprise as typical Han-style clothing enterprises for illustrations, from content to form, from surface to deep, carried out quantitative comparison in detail, besides classification analysis on ten typical Han-style clothing enterprises of officer micro-operation status. This paper explores the internal reasons of related different communication effects caused by two types of enterprise microblogging business strategies. Our research results might be useful for HanStyle clothing enterprises to reform their strategies on social media running, offline operations, enhance the brand, and boost sales. It will also benefit reshaping the enterprise image.
作者 杨树坤 赵真 李晓慧 周辉 Yang Shukun;Zhao Zhen;Li Xiaohui;Zhou Hui
出处 《中国媒体发展研究报告》 2016年第1期245-261,302-303,共18页 Research Report of China's Media Development
基金 湖北省2015省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目“武汉服装企业官方微博传播方式和效果研究——以典型汉派服装企业的官方微博为例”(项目编号NO.201510495012)资助课题的阶段性研究成果
关键词 汉派服装企业 企业官方微博 微博运营 传播效果 Han-Style Clothing Enterprises Official Micro-blogs Social Media Running Communication Effects
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