
依靠科学技术进步 实现煤炭产量翻番

Relying on Progress of Science and Technology to Double National Coal Output
摘要 最近,煤炭工业部召开了第二次全国煤炭科技大会。会议期间,国务委员方毅同志与会作了重要指示,高扬文部长作了关于“依靠科学技术进步,开创新局面,实现煤炭产量翻一番”的报告。大会向68个科技进步优秀成果和56名优秀专业技术干部授了奖;有21个单位和个人在会上交流了经验。 First of all, this paper describes the importance and urgency of developing coal mining depending upon science and technology in the light of essence of the Second National Conference on Coal Science and Technology held recently by Ministry Coal Industry. Backwardness impedes development of coal industry. The approach for achieving 1.2 billion tons of coal per annum by the end of this century is to enhance science and technology. If we resort to the old method of simply increasing the manpower and physical labour and not to development of science and technology, safety in production could not be ensured, and tempo of speed could not keep pace with the need, and we would fail to reach the goal. The paper then depicts how to realize the strategical transformation. The productive and constructional units should lay stress on developing science and technology, and the R & D departments should lay stress on how to meet the needs of productive and constructional units. The leadership over science and technology should be strengthened. Technical policies, plans for developing R & D and for technical transformation should be drawn up. We should be good at learning advanced technology both at home and abroad. We should tackle the key technical problems. The results of R &D should be transferred, such that we might reach a new level, secondly, we should further implement the policy for intellectuals so as to arouse their enthusiasm. Currently the most urgent is to use them properly and to strengthen unified managment, so that they could hold both the post and the power, we should also create necessary environment and working conditions for them such that they might make early and more contributions. Thirdly, education should be strengthened to enhance development of science and technology. More mining colleges and schools should be set up and various froms of education should be practised among workers and staff.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 1983年第8期2-5,61,共5页 Coal Science and Technology








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