coal mine machinary manufacturers are now facing a challenge and competition.Each mamufacturer should give full play to his own skill,carry out reform and technical transform,develop new products and apply new technology in order to improve the quality of products and establish prestige in domestic and international markets,therefore the followings should be carried on:
1.Develop new products increasing the variety of products.There are two ways for developing new products.It is one way to fill in the gaps of products,including manufacturing fully-mechanized equipment for very low and incline seams,effective shearer for 1-1.6m seam,continuous miners for room and pillar system,auxilliary equipment for underground transportation,monitoring equipment and devices for safety and etc.On the other hand attention should be paid to the renewal of products.
2.Improve the quality of products.By 1990 the quality of main products in mining,excavation,transportation,supporting and safety should reach the international level of the late senventies and early eighties.After 1000 hours testing on test rig the shearer can be used to cut 30,000m^3 without maintenance on surface,the life of coalface power support should last for 8 years or more and etc.
3.Provide good field service.The products should bc guaranteed for the following three items:quality,auxilliary components and services.
4.Reduce production cost determining reasonable saling prices.The major measure for reducing production costs is to increase reproduction,Coal Mine Machinary manufacturers should maintain low profit in order to promote the development of manufacturing providing low price high-quality products for coal mines.
Coal Science and Technology