
DW型多点位移计的研制和应用 被引量:1

Development and application of a DW multipoint displacement meter
摘要 介绍DW型3点、6点两种品种位移计的设计要求、工作原理、结构特点和在煤矿巷道量测试验的可靠性。 According to measuring requirements in mine shaft and drift, there are two kinds of DW multi-point displacement meters.One is a three-point meter with a diamenter of 40 mm and length of 3 meters. The other one is a six-point meter with a diameter of 40 mm and length of 6 meters. The DW consists of a compressed timber,measuring pole, support, casing pipe, cover and etc..The surrounding rocks of an opening and the compressed timber will be auto-fastened in a drilling hole. when the timber displaced by the rocks, the measuring pole will.transit the displacement to the hole mouth. Using a depth micrometer and a depth vernier-scale, it can obtain different displacement values in depth. These two displacement meters have been applied to moniter the stabilities of No.2604 Middle drift in the No.6 Mine, a loading station and room at a -259 Level in No.4 Mine Hebi Coal Mine Bureau, and a winding inset of a mine shaft in Wangjayingzi Mine Fuxin Coal Mine Bureau. The advantages of the DW are sensitive in reaction, simple structure and easy installation. The meter has been technically approved by the Ministry of Coal Industry in June 1986, and then it began to be produced in a certain scale.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 1987年第2期32-34,61-62,共5页 Coal Science and Technology
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