介绍了一种移动代理模式下的数据收集保护协议 ,其数据完整性保护基于在有限域上求解离散对数的困难性。提出了一种新的数据收集保护协议 ,此协议的数据完整性基于特定条件下求解二次剩余的困难性 ,协议允许参与主机更改数据 ,因而每一主机可访问多次。同时 ,根据实际需要可采用传统加密体制对数据进行加密。
In this paper,a new secure data collected protocol by mobile Agent is introduced. This protocol is based on the difficulty of solving discrete logarithm in finite field that assures the integrity of a sequence of data segments regardless of the order of each segment in the sequence. Then,this paper describe a protocol to protect data collected whose protection about the data integrity is based on quadratic residue on some special condition. This protocol allows each host to update the data it previously submitted. At the same time,this protocol can be changed to encrypt the data collected.
journal of Computer Applications