1300多年前,一名年轻的唐朝女子在数百名侍从的簇拥下从长安城的南门出发,她将不远千里,翻越崇山峻岭进入吐蕃王国嫁给一个名叫松赞干布的吐蕃赞普。从此,她就再也没有离开过吐蕃大地,再也没有回到过家乡长安。她的名字就是:李雪雁。 当年她进入吐蕃时所走的那条路现在被称为唐蕃古道,这是一条印证历史的汉藏友谊之路也是一条扑朔迷离的传奇之路。
Because of political reasonsl,Princess Wencheng
of the Tang Dynasty left Changian to marry Songtsan gambo,
king of the Tubo kingdom, which was located about 3000 km to the
west. The road she walked is named Tang-Bo. Recently, 1300
years later, photographer Wang MU re-walked the road, and he
found himself lost in a mix of past and present.
China National Exhibition