
中东欧国家少数民族语言教育政策取向比较——以捷克、斯洛伐克和匈牙利为例 被引量:4

Policy Orientations of Minority Language Education in Central and Eastern European Countries——Based on the Cases of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungry
摘要 捷克、斯洛伐克和匈牙利等中东欧转型国家基于国族建构的核心需求,结合国内民族结构和国际组织要求等因素,为少数民族语言教育政策赋予了不同的功能定位,代表了欧洲民族国家政府的3种主要管理倾向:捷克采取外松内紧的隐性融合政策,斯洛伐克采取全面收紧的显性抑制政策,而匈牙利高调支持少数民族语言的自治。3国管理策略的不同导致各自在民族语言保护数量、教育门槛和实施方式等方面的具体措施和实施效果存在较大差异。各国仅有少量民族语言能够应用于完整的基础教育体系,其余大都处于不受重视的边缘地位,罗姆人的语言甚至受到系统性的歧视。未来一段时间,中东欧国家将继续在公共话语中支持多语主义的价值取向,但也会允许单语主义以隐性的方式存在于具体政策之中,并有可能形成跨国协调管理机制。中东欧国家的案例一方面为我国完善本国政策提供具体技术参照,另一方面也显示我国应立足自身需求设计符合本国社会条件的民族语言教育政策。 Central and Eastern European transition countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary usually adopt differentiated policies for education of ethnic minority languages based on some common factors including the national identity construction, domestic ethnic structure and international expectations. To cater for these diverse needs, the three above-mentioned countries adopt respective policy orientations, that is, the Czech Republic prefers covert integration, while Slovakia inclines to aggressive suppression, and Hungary empowers the autonomy of minority languages. The orientations are supported by concrete laws and regulations that cover different numbers of minority language, stipulate different thresholds for mother tongue education, implement different forms of education, and have let to different results. Generally, only a small number of minority languages can be used throughout the education system, while most of them are marginalized or simply neglected, yet still some suffer systemic discrimination in the school system like Roma language. In the coming future, Central and Eastern European countries would continue to support multilingualism in public discourse, but will also allow room for monolingualism in actual policies. And it is possible to form a transitional coordination management mechanism for minority language education. These cases can not only provide specific technical references for China to improve domestic policy, but also confirm that China should make ethnic language education policy based on its own political needs and social conditions.
作者 何山华 HE Shan-hua(College of Interna Studies,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225127)
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期134-144,共11页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"中东欧国家转型进程中的‘国家语言’建构研究"(项目编号:17CYY012)的阶段性成果
关键词 中东欧国家 少数民族 民族语言教育 Central and Eastern European countries ethnic minorities minority language education
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