
黔西苗族初中生文化适应策略及其与双语教育模式的关系 被引量:1

Relationship between Bilingual Teaching Mode and Acculturation Strategies of Miao Middle School Students in Qianxi
摘要 采用问卷调查法对439名黔西苗族初中生的文化适应策略及其与学生上中学前的双语教育模式的关系进行探讨,结果表明:(1)黔西苗族初中生更倾向于采用积极的整合文化适应策略,较少采用疏离的文化适应策略;(2)黔西苗族初中生文化适应策略的使用没有明显的性别差异;随着年级的提高,学生更倾向于采用积极主动的文化适应策略;较早学习汉语、民族杂居有利于苗族学生积极文化适应策略的形成,但居住方式对融入和疏离适应策略的使用没有影响;(3)上中学前双语教育模式对黔西苗族初中生的整合和疏离文化适应策略有一定预测作用,多样化的双语教育模式是黔西苗族基础教育的现实需求。 The writer investigated the acculturation strategies of 439 Miao middle school students in Qianxi through questionnaire and analyzed the relationship with bilingual teaching mode in their pre-middle school learning.The results show that 1)Miao middle school students tend to adopt positive integrated acculturation strategies and they do not often use separate acculturation strategies;2)there is no obvious gender difference in their use of acculturation strategies,with the rise of grade,students are more inclined to adopt acculturation strategies actively,learning Chinese early and living with mixed ethnic groups are conducive to their formation of positive acculturation strategies,while living style has no effect on the use of assimilation and separation adaptation strategies;and 3)bilingual teaching mode in their pre-middle school learning has a certain predictive effect on their integration and separation acculturation strategies,and diversified bilingual education models are the realistic demand of elementary education in Qianxi.
作者 植凤英 邓霞 陈越 ZHI Feng-ying;DENG Xia;CHEN Yue(School of Education Science,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001;Siyuan Experimental School of Qianxi County,Qianxi,Guizhou 551500)
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期92-98,共7页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 贵州教育改革发展研究重大课题"新时代贵州乡村教师职业使命感构建及提升机制"(项目编号:2018ZD013)的阶段性成果
关键词 苗族 初中生 文化适应策略 少数民族双语教育 Miao ethnic group middle school students acculturation strategies bilingual education bilingual teaching mode
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