2ROBERT HERTZ.Deathh and the Right Hand[G].Translated by Redney and Claudia Needham,With an Introduction by E.E.Evens-Pritchard.London:Cohen & West,1960.
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4RODNEY NEEDHAM.Right and Left:Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification[G].The University of Chicago Press,1973.
5Sin and Expiation in Primitive Societies,British Centre for Durkheimian Studies[D].Occasional papers,2,trans by ROBERT PARKIN,with notes by Marcel Mauss,1994.
6ROBERT PARKIN.The Dark Side of Humanity:The Work of Robert Hertz and its Legacy[M].Harwood,Amsterdam,1996.
7“La préminence de la main droite.Etude de polarité religieuse”Revue Philisophique,Dec.,1909(右手的优越:一项关于宗教极性的研究).
8“La représentation collective de la mort”Année Sociologique.,X.(一项关于死亡的集体表象的研究).
9“Saint Besse”,Revue de l'Histoire des Religions,1913.(圣·贝斯).
10'Le Péché et l'Expiation dans les Sociétes primitive',Recue de l'Histoire des Religions,1922.