
美国妈祖文化的发展传播与中美妈祖文化交流的强化 被引量:1

The Development and Spread of American Mazu Culture and the Strengthening of Sino-American Mazu Cultural Exchange
摘要 美国妈祖文化缘起于中国移民的妈祖信仰与祭祀,其形成体现在美国多座妈祖宫庙的建设;美国妈祖文化的发展则表现为以该国诸多妈祖宫庙为载体和传播平台,举办一系列妈祖文化传播活动,这些活动逐渐体现为广泛性、多样性和周期性。美国妈祖文化在其发展传播过程中,一直保持着与中国妈祖文化的互动交流。这种互动交流既是推动美国妈祖文化发展的力量源泉,也是美国妈祖文化在继承传统的基础上借鉴经验和开拓创新的途径。中美妈祖文化在多方面进行互动交流的同时,与妈祖文化有关的产业合作也随之展开。中美妈祖文化互动交流还存在着强化的必要:一是中美妈祖文化互动交流范围还很少扩展到辽宁、天津、上海等具有丰富深厚妈祖文化资源的省市;二是我国一些省市妈祖文化发展也体现出国际交流的趋势与需求;三是中美妈祖文化交流还更多地在妈祖文化民间组织和学术机构进行;四是中美妈祖文化互动交流的内容还有创新的空间。因此,强化中美妈祖文化的交流仍具有重要的海洋经济文化发展意义和文化交流发展创新战略意义。 The American Mazu culture originated from the Mazu beliefs and sacrifices of Chinese immigrants.Its formation is reflected in the construction of many Mazu Temples in the United States.The development of American Mazu culture is represented by a series of cultural communication activities which are held by Mazu Temples in the country as a carrier and communication platform.These activities gradually become broad,diverse and cyclical.In the process of its development and communication,the American Mazu culture has maintained an interactive exchange with Chinese Mazu culture.This kind of interactive communication is not only a source of strength to promote the development of American Mazu culture,but also a way for American Mazu culture to learn from experience and innovate on the basis of inheriting tradition.At the same time that Sino-American Mazu culture interacted in various aspects,the industrial cooperation related to Mazu culture also began.There is still a need for strengthening the interaction between Chinese and American Mazu culture.First,the scope of interaction between Chinese and American Mazu culture has rarely extended to provinces and cities with rich and profound Mazu cultural resources such as Liaoning,Tianjin and Shanghai.Second,some provinces and cities in China Cultural development also reflects the trend and demand of international exchanges;the third is that Sino-US Mazu exchanges are more carried out in Mazu civil organizations and academic institutions;Fourth,there is room for innovation in the interactive exchange between Chinese and American Mazu culture.Therefore,strengthening the exchange of Chinese and American Mazu culture still has important marine economic and cultural development significance and cultural exchange development and innovation strategic significance.
作者 曹萌 CAO Meng(North China Minority Research Center,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034,China)
出处 《妈祖文化研究》 2019年第1期1-9,共9页 Mazu Culture Research
关键词 美国 妈祖文化 发展传播 互动交流 American Mazu culture Development and Communication Interactive Communication
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