目的 :明确开放骨折感染创面常见感染细菌种类、数量和分布特点 ,指导临床合理有效的应用抗生素。方法 :对 1990年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月骨科住院病人中开放骨折术后感染患者创面分离出的各种细菌、真菌共 30种 875株进行分析。并同步比较病人所能接触的院内环境中检测的细菌。结果 :感染创面中 ,G+ 球菌和 G- 杆菌所占比例最大 ,分别为 4 0 .6 8%、5 2 .5 % ,铜绿假单胞菌 2 4 7株 ,检出率为 2 8.2 % ,居第一 ;金黄色葡萄球菌 2 17株 ,检出率为 2 4 .8% ,居第二 ;其他如表皮葡萄球菌、施氏葡萄球菌、阴沟肠杆菌等均占有一定比例。一些机会致病菌也从创面中检出 ,而且创面内数量较多的细菌从院内环境中均可检出。药敏结果显示 :金葡菌和表葡菌对青霉素敏感度极低 ,先锋 V、丁胺卡那霉素对其较敏感。一些 G- 杆菌对复达欣、先锋 V较敏感。结论 :细菌室应重视对临床感染菌种的细菌培养及药敏试验 ,正确报告病原菌及药敏结果。同时 。
Opjective:To investigate the common species,the number and the distribution of bacterial flora contaminated in the infected wounds of open fractures and directing to offer antibiotics.Methods:We analysed 875 strains of bacteria in hospital from patients,Meanwhile compare with the bacteria in hospital environment.Results:On the surface of the in fective woind,the proportion of G +Coccobacteria and G - bacilus is 40.68% and 52.2% respectively.247 strains of pseudomonas(28.2%)is in the first place,217strains of staphylococcus aureus(24.8%)is in the second place.others(such as s.epidermids,s.schleiferi,e.aerogenes, et al ) are detected.some opportunistic bacteria are detected from the surface of the wound,moreover the bacteria existed in amount on the surface of the wound are detected from the hospital environment.the sensitivity test of drug shows:Staphylococcus and S.epiodermids are sensitive to cefazolin and Amikacin,some G - bacilus are sensitive to ceftazidime and cefazolin.Conclusions:Bacterium department must emphasize the bacterium culture and the sensitivity test of drug,at the sametime report the result correctly.afterword,pocters use the antibiotic reasonably and effectively depending on the result.
Journal of Practical Orthopaedics