
知识经济与中国会计——财政部部长项怀诚在第十六届世界会计师大会上的演讲 被引量:3

Knowledge-based Economy and Chinese Accounting Service ——Speech on the 16th World Congress of Accountants by Xiang Huaicheng, Finance Minister of PRC
摘要 Accounting is an integral part ofeconomic management, and accountinginformation acts as an important base on whichrational resource allocation is made. In the era ofthe knowledge-based economy, accounting isplaying a more important role. During the past20 years, with the implementation of reform andthe opening-up policy, the accounting professionin China has made magnificent progress andmany remarkable achievements. In order to further enhance public confidencein the accounting profession, as well as to dealwith the challenges of a knowledge-basedeconomy and globalization, the global accountingprofession needs to step up reform and innovationas follows: enhance the cooperation amongaccounting professions around the world andpromote the harmonization of accounting andauditing standards; strengthen the independenceof certified public accountants; intensify theoversight of the accounting profession; improvethe corporate governance, and fundamentallyresolve the problem of falsified corporatefinancial information. Accounting is an integral part ofeconomic management, and accountinginformation acts as an important base on whichrational resource allocation is made. In the era ofthe knowledge-based economy, accounting isplaying a more important role. During the past20 years, with the implementation of reform andthe opening-up policy, the accounting professionin China has made magnificent progress andmany remarkable achievements. In order to further enhance public confidencein the accounting profession, as well as to dealwith the challenges of a knowledge-basedeconomy and globalization, the global accountingprofession needs to step up reform and innovationas follows: enhance the cooperation amongaccounting professions around the world andpromote the harmonization of accounting andauditing standards; strengthen the independenceof certified public accountants; intensify theoversight of the accounting profession; improvethe corporate governance, and fundamentallyresolve the problem of falsified corporatefinancial information.
作者 项怀诚
机构地区 财政部
出处 《中国注册会计师》 2002年第12期6-8,共3页 The Chinese Certified Public Accountant
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