目的 监测血吸虫病传播阻断地区疫情动态。 方法 采取系统抽样结合环境抽样方法查螺 ,用IHA血检结合粪检对居民及流动人群进行查病 ,对家畜用孵化法进行粪检。 结果 9个达血吸虫病传播阻断标准的县 (区、农场 ) ,达标时仅一个单位残存小面积钉螺 ,在达标 4~ 1 6年后 ,除 2个单位仍无钉螺外 ,7个单位均新发现或复发现钉螺面积 ;两个单位发现感染螺、当地感染的新病人和急性血吸虫病人 ,重新成为疫区。 结论 血吸虫病传播阻断地区巩固成果是艰巨的 ,达标后必须长期坚持不懈地。
Objective To monitor schistosomiasis's endemic changes in its transmission blocking areas. Methods Systematic sampling method in combination with environmental sampling one was applied for snails' survey; Indirect hemagglutination test plus fecal examination was used for case-finding of schistosomiasis over local and mobile residents; Hatching assays was done for domestic animals. Result The investigation was involved in nine administrative regions (counties, districts, and farms) where the criterion of transmission blocking of schistosomiasis had been reached with only one residing a small area of snails. After the nine regions had respectively arrived at the criterion of transmission blocking for 4~16 years of period. snails were newly found or re-found in seven of them, accompanied by the recurrence of new cases of schistosomiasis who had been infected in local areas and acute cases. Conclusion It is an arduous task to consolidate the achievement of transmission blocking of schistosomiasis in formerly transmission areas. For full surveillance over endemic status of schistosomiasis becomes a long term commitment in areas where transmission blocking of schistosomiasis had been reached.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Transmission blocking
Surveillance over endemic status