研究了玻璃中半导体 Cd SSe量子点的界面态发光 .在 10 K温度下 ,通过 PL 和吸收光谱实验 ,研究了半导体Cd SSe量子点 ,并进行了变温测量 .分析了半导体量子点的量子尺寸效应、温度对 PL 和吸收光谱的影响 .实验发现PL 谱中在 1.84e V和 1.91e V有两个尖锐的发光峰 ,且峰位不随量子点尺寸大小变化而漂移 ,这是来源于与量子点尺寸无关的界面态的发光 ;同时 ,界面态的发光强度应与量子点半径成反比 ,实验结果与之相符 .
The semiconductor CdSSe quantum dots imbedded in glass are studied by means of PL and absorption spectra under temperature of 10K.The experiments are also done under different temperatures.The quantum-size effect is analyzed.The strong PL peaks at 1.84eV and 1.91eV observed in the PL spectra of QDs are attributed to the interface states.The energy positions of these PL peaks do not change with the increase of size of QDs.The analyses of the relationship between the strength of these PL peaks and radius of quantum dots agree with the experimental results.