采用一种新的生长铁磁 /半导体异质结材料的方法——物理气相沉积方法生长了一种铁磁 /半导体异质结材料 Mn Sb/Si.对所获得的样品进行特征 X射线能谱分析表明 Mn和 Sb在 Si衬底上的沉积速率相近 ,它们的原子百分数之比接近 1∶ 1.X射线衍射分析发现薄膜中形成了 Mn Sb相 ,样品在室温下测出磁滞回线也从侧面验证了存在 Mn Sb相 .用原子力显微镜对样品的表面进行观察 ,发现 Mn Sb呈有规则形状的小晶粒状 ,晶粒大小比较均匀 ,尺寸大多数在 5 0 0 nm左右 .
A new method for growing ferromagnet/semiconductor hybrid structure--physical vapor deposition is applied to prepare MnSb/Si.Characteristic X-ray energy spectrum analysis of a sample prepared by the method shows the depositing rate of Mn is close to that of Sb since the ratio of their atomic percent is nearly 1∶1.MnSb is found in the film by X-ray diffraction analysis,and hysteresis loop of the sample also proves the existence of MnSb in the film.By atomic force microscopy (AFM),it is found that a formation of MnSb of serried well-distributed micro-grains with regular shape,most of them are about 500nm,successfully grown on the substrate Si.Since the apparatus and process are simple and the growth cost is low,it is a practical and economical method.