于 1 999到 2 0 0 1年 5月至 7月连续 3a在吉林省镇赉县大岗林场 ,采用样地法和样方法 ,对栗斑腹的栖息地选择和巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明 :此鸟的繁殖是在草甸草原 +杏树环境下进行的 ,对栖息地样方和对照样方的对比分析得出 ,杏树最大高度、5 0 m半径圆内杏树数量、贝加尔针茅数量、大油芒数量、植物盖度、火绒草平均高度、贝加尔针茅最大高度、兴安胡枝子平均高度 8个因子是影响其栖息地选择的主要因子。通过对 46个巢的研究发现 ,大多数栗斑腹把巢建在贝加尔针茅下面 ,巢出入口方向多为东南 45°和西南 45°。对 46巢的 2 7个因子的主成分分析 ,结果发现植物盖度、火绒草高度、鸢尾数量、巢出入口方向、1 0 m内杏树数量、30 m内杏树数量、裸地面积这 6个因子是巢址选择的主要因子。对 46巢 2 6个巢址和非巢址因子进行判别分析 ,植物盖度、大油芒、乳浆大戟高度、石竹数量、线叶菊高度和 30 m内杏树数量等 6个因子 ,为巢位选择的主要因子。两种分析结果基本相似。总之 ,栗斑腹喜欢在植被盖度大、杏树相对多、贝加尔针茅和大油芒的密度大、食物资源丰富的区域内营巢。
The paper studied the habitat selection and nest-site selection of Jan k owski's bunting (Emberiza jankowskii Taczanovski) in Dagang forestry center of Z henlai country in Jilin province during the period May to July between 1999 and 2001. The contents include habitat selection and nest-site selection. The resul t s show that Jankowski's bunting breeds in the environment of meadow steppe with Armerniaca sibirica. The comparative analysis between the variables of habit at a nd control samples shows that the main influencing factors of the Jankowski's bu nting habitat selection are the following: maximum height of the Armerniaca si bi rica,the number of Armerniaca sibirica within t he cir cle of 50 meters in diameter,the number of Stipa baicalensis,the number of Spodi opogon sibiricus within 1m2,the canopy of flora within 1m2,the average hei ght of Leontopodium leontopodium,the maximum height of Stipa baicalensis withi n 1m2 and the average height of Lespedeza davurica within 1m2. By the investigation of 46 nests,we found that most Jankowski's bunting bui lt their nests under the Stipa baicalensis and the in and out orientations o f ne sts mostly distribute on the southeast 45°and southwest 45°. We also found tha t the main factors of the nest-site selection using the principal component ana l ysis of 27 nest-site factors of 46 nests,were the plant canopy,the height of Leo ntopodium leontopodioides,the number of Iris sp.,the number of Armerni aca sibirica within 10 and 30 meters at the in and out orientations of nests and the bare are a.In addition,we found that the main factors of the nest-site selection using t h e Step DA of 27 nest-site factors of 46 nests,were the plant canopy,the height o f Euphorbia esula,the height of Spodiopogon sibiricus, the number of Dianthus c hinensis,the height of Filifolium sibiricum and the number of Armerniaca sibiric a within 30 meters. The results of the two types of analysis are alike. In sum ma ry, Jankowski's bunting prefer to build nests in the areas with big plant canopy ,more Armerniaca sibirica,dense Stipa baicalensis and Stipa baicalensi s and abundant food.we f
Acta Ecologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39870 1 1 7)~~
Jankowski's bunting
habitat selection
nest-site selection
the pri ncipal component analysis
Step DA.