
肾移植术后巨细胞病毒检测的临床意义 被引量:3

Clinical significance of cytomegalovirus detection after kidney transplantation
摘要 目的 探讨肾移植术后检测巨细胞病毒感染的意义。方法 利用酶联免疫吸附法 (Enzymelinkedimmunosor bentassay ,ELISA)以及聚合酶链反应 (Polymerasechainreaction ,PCR)检测肾移植术后受者血清中的抗 CMV抗体及CMV DNA。结果 检测了 72例肾移植术后的受者抗 CMV抗体及CMV DNA ,抗 CMV抗体及CMV DNA阳性率均明显高于术前(P <0 0 1) ,其中 2 5 %的CMV感染者发展为CMV病。移植术后CMV DNA阳性者发生急性排斥反应的几率明显高于CMV DNA阴性者。结论 检测肾移植受者血清中的抗 CMV抗体及CMV DNA可以协助诊断肾移植受者是否感染CMV以及引起的CMV病 。 Objective To investigate the significance of the detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after kidney transplantation. Methods The serum CMV antibody(anti CMV) and CMV DAN of 72 recipients before and after transplantation were detected respectively by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Results The levels of serum CMV antibody and CMV DNA of 72 recipients after transplantation were significantly higher than those of pre operation( P <0.01), among which 25% CMV infected recipients developed CMV disease. The possibility of acute rejection in CMV DNA positive patients was obviously higher than that in CMV DNA negative ones. Conclusion Detection of serum CMV antibody and CMV DNA in renal transplantation recipients is helpful for the diagnosis of CMV infection and CMV disease and is of great importance in the treatment of CMV disease after kidney transplantation.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第9期809-811,共3页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
关键词 肾移植 巨细胞病毒抗体 巨细胞病毒DNA kidney transplantation cytomegalovirus antiboby cytomegalovirus DNA
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