目的 :以交点倍数法同时测定复方环丙沙星滴耳液中环丙沙星、甲硝唑的含量。方法 :环丙沙星和甲硝唑在350.0nm波长处有交点吸收 ,且在处方液中此点恰好是二者等吸收之和 ,而地塞米松在此点几乎无吸收 ,故以350.0nm为两者的测定波长即可计算出各自的含量。结果 :环丙沙星的平均回收率为99.7 % ,RSD=1.4 % ;甲硝唑的平均回收率为100.7 % ,RSD=1.6 %。结论 :本方法简便、快速、重现性好 ,测定结果准确 ,适用于复方环丙沙星滴耳液的质量控制。
OBJECTIVE:To simultaneously determine the contents of CIPRO and MNZ in compound ciprofloxacin ear dro_ ps by nodical polyploid UV-spectrophotometry.METHODS:CIPRO and MNZ were nodical absorption at wavelength of350.0nm and this was just the sum of isoabsorptive point of two components while DXM did not absorb UV ray at this point.Therefore350.0nm was adopted as the detecting wavelength for these two components.RESULTS:The average recovery and relative standard deviation of CIPRO were99.7%and1.4%respectively.The average recovery and relative standard deˉviation of MNZ were100.7%and1.6%respectively.CONCLUSION:The method is accurate,rapid,simple and sensitive.This method can be used to control the quality of this preparation.
China Pharmacy