目的 :研究上颌第一磨牙远中移动时其牙槽骨应力分布情况 ,探寻磨牙远中移动的最佳荷载方式 ,为临床提供生物力学参考。方法 :采用已建立的上颌第一磨牙的三维有限元模型。使用四种不同负荷方式对模型进行加载 ,分析上颌第一磨牙远中移动时其牙槽骨的应力分布 ,并找出使上颌第一磨牙整体移动的最佳负荷方式。结论 :在上颌第一磨牙颊面中心附近施加远中力并结合抗衡力矩 (Mt/F =10Mr/F =6 )可以在牙槽骨的远中面获得平均分布的低压应力 。
Objective:To analyze the stress distribution in the alveolus of the maxillary first molar and to seek an optimal loads pattern when distal movement and to provide biomechanical basis for the clinical practice.Methods:Four different load patterns were added to the three dimensional finite element model of the maxillary first molar established to obtain the optimal load partern for molar bodily distal movement.Results:A distalizing force combined with a countertipping moment(Mt/F=10)and a counterrotation moment(Mr/F=6)can lead to a lower and uniform stress on the distal side of the alveolus.Conclusion:It implys a tendency of translation.
Practical Clinical Medicine