3Harry Harding:The Evolution of American Schlarship on Contemporary China(Harry Harding Editor:American Studies of Contemporary China,Woodrow Wilson Center Press.1993,p.16).
4John M.H.Lindebeck:The Developmental Decade(Understanding China-An Assement of American Shcolarly Resources:Praeger Publishers.1971).
5Harry Harding:The Evolition of American Scholarship on Contempoary China(Harry Harding Editor:American Studies of Contemporary.China.Woodrow Wilson Center Press.1993.p.27).
6The Chinese World Order:Traditional China's Foreign Relations Edited by John King Fairbank.with contributions by John King Fairbank A Preliminary Framework.Lien-Sheng Yang Histarical notes on the Chinese World Order.Wang Gurrwn Early Ming Relations with Southeast Asia:A Background Essays.Joseph F.Fletcher China and Central Asia.1938-1884and many other essays.