从人类的文化发展历程来看,艺术形式的演变是朝着张扬个性,追求独立,分道扬镳方向发展的。但是,唯有歌唱艺术却紧紧地把音乐与歌词(文学)拥抱在一起,坚持通过最质朴的天然“乐器”——歌喉来寻求心灵美的表现,从而成为最具群众性,最易于普及的一种艺术。 不论是歌唱的历史成因,还是它的存在现状;不论是歌唱的演唱形式,还是它的艺术内涵,都充分的体现了其多元文化品格。根据这一美学属性的确立,就必须提醒歌唱家不要忘了这个“本”,必须完成自身意识和行为的准确定位,诸如歌唱活动不是简单的消遣娱乐活动,而应该是先进文化思想的传播;歌唱作为一种表演艺术,不论是独唱还是重唱、合唱,都具有集体艺术创作的因素,而不是个人独立完成的艺术创造:歌唱技巧对歌唱家来说无疑是重要的,但歌唱家不应是单纯掌握唱歌技巧的“唱歌机”,而应该是具有全面文化修养的艺术家……。
From a culture development point of view, the direction of art reformation is heading to personality showing and independence pursuing. But the art of singing is the perfect combination of music and lyrics (literature) .working through the most natural musical instrument--the human throat, to express the aesthetic of the human soul. It is not only the most common art form,but also has a massed character. From the historical and present developmental points of view,from the musical form and meaning point of view,we can conclude that singing art has a profound multi -cultural character. According to this character, every singer should not forget the most basic rules of singing. Singing itself is not only an entertainment ,but the means of distributing the advanced culture thoughts. Singing,as a kind of performance art,is a kind of collective creation. So the singer should not only pay attention to the singing techniques, but try to be an artist with an all-sided culture.
Peoples Music