研究了五种红树植物胎生胚轴的热值及其发育过程的变化规律 ,结果表明 :⑴不同红树植物种发育各阶段胎生胚轴的热值及其变化规律不同 .同属于木榄属的海莲 (Bruguierasexangula)和木榄 (Bruguieragymnorrhiza)这两个种的胎生胚轴发育各阶段的热值都比较接近 .⑵胎生胚轴个体能量由幼胚轴到成熟胚轴的发育过程中不断增加 ,而单位质量的能量逐渐降低 ,含水量逐渐降低 .⑶桐花树 (Aegicerascorniculatum)每个成熟胚轴平均所具有的能量与每个成熟胚轴壳的能量比较接近 ,分别为 2 .11kJ /个和 1.91kJ /个 ;而秋茄 (Kandeliacandel)平均每个成熟胚轴所具有的能量为 3 4.8kJ/个 ,比胚轴帽 (宿存果皮和果萼 )高
This paper dealt with the caloric value changes of hypocotyls of five mangrove species.The results are shown as follows: ⑴There are differences in the caloric value with the development of hypocotyls of different mangrove species. It is found that the caloric value of hypocotyls between Bruguiera sexangula and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is extremely similar. ⑵The energy storage of individual hypocotyl increase gradually with the development of hypocotyl,while the caloric value and water content decrease. ⑶ There are no obvious distinction between the average energy storage in individual ripe hypocotyl (2.11 kJ/unit) and crust (1.91 kJ /unit) of Aegiceras corniculatum; Nevertheless,the average energy storage in individual ripe hypocotyl of Kandelia candel is 34.8 kJ/unit,four times higher than that in hypocotyl cap(persistent fruit and calyx).
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University