用正交试验法探索以乙酸乙酯提取生姜油树脂的最佳工艺条件 ,并对产品质量进行考核 ,用FTIR光谱仪鉴别成分 .结果表明料剂比 (g/mL)为 2 0∶10 0、室温浸泡 2d时 ,提取率最高 ,FTIR光谱图中含有 3 43 6.5 6cm-1、2 92 9.62cm-1、2 840cm-1、1710 .89cm-1、15 16.3 1cm-1、12 60 .2 7cm-1、10 2 9.84cm-1等的特征吸收峰 ,产品符合FCC(1981)
The paper studies the best technological conditions of extracting ginger oleoresin with the acetate ester,inspects the quality of a product and appraises the composition with FTIR.The result shows the technological condition are 20:100 of the material ratio and 2d for extract. And the characteristic absorption peak are 3436.56 cm -1 ?2929.62 cm -1 ?2840 cm -1 ?1710.89 cm -1 ?1516.31 cm -1 ?1260.27 cm -1 ?1029.84 cm -1 in FTIR spectrogram.The product is up to FCC(1981)standard.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University