目的 :比较短TEPRESS与STEAM两种氢质子波谱序列在脑肿瘤诊断中的优劣。方法 :43例脑肿瘤的1 H MRS,除了TE稍不同外 ,PRESS和STEAM序列的其他参数全部相同。结果 :PRESS与STEAM在检测肿瘤Cr的浓度方面 ,其差异有显著性意义 ,其因素可能和序列的特征有关 ,而对NAA、Cho、mi、NAA/Cr、Cho/Cr具有良好的一致性 ,且PRESS波谱的信噪比好 ,检查时间短。结论 :PRESS可取代STEAM作为脑肿瘤的波谱检查序列之一。
Objective:To compare the advantages of short TE PRESS and STEAM in diagnosis of brain tumors.Methods:Forty three patients with brain tumors were enrolled once final diagnoses were established by histopathologic examination .The parameters of PRESS and STEAM sequences were identical except TE.Results:There was significant difference between PRESS and STEAM in determination of the concentration of tumor Cr.This might associated with sequence characterics.No significant difference was found in NAA,Cho,mi,NAA/Cr,Cho/Cr.PRESS sequence had the advantage of better signal to noise ratio and short scanning time.Conclusion:PRESS can be one of the sequences of MR spectroscopy in brain tumor diagnosis as a replacement of STEAM.
Radiologic Practice