采取问卷调查的方法 ,对河南省部分高校体育专业 1 998~ 2 0 0 1年 2 5 8名专科在校生的压力源及应对方式进行了调查 .结果表明 ,2 5 8名体育专科生的前 1 0位压力源为准备及参加考试、毕业分配等项 .常采用的应对方式为 :接受现实 ,心胸开阔 ;独自探路、顺其自然 ;遇友谈心 ,重塑自我等 1 0项 .根据调查结果 。
We have made some investigation on the 258 three year undergraduates who major in PE in the colleges of Henan Province in order to find their pressure source and the way to deal with and relieve it. As a result, the first 10 pressure originations for the students is that they have to prepare their lessons to take part in the examination and find a job after graduation etc. The solution adopted are as follows, being broad minded; being realistic; complying with happenings; being independent; rebuilding oneself; talking heart to heart with friends and so on. According to the results of the investigation, some proposals are put forward to help the students face the pressure bravely and deal with it with proper measures.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University
three year college students of PE department
source of pressure