目的 探讨用于制备蛋白质芯片的 4种玻璃表面修饰方法对蛋白质的固定能力。方法 从蛋白质固定效率和固定蛋白质的反应性 2个方面 ,对戊二醛修饰法、琼脂糖修饰法、巯基修饰法和聚赖氨酸修饰法进行比较。结果 4种修饰方法中聚赖氨酸修饰玻片对蛋白质的固定量较大 ,比醛基修饰的玻片约高 31 5 % ;与醛基修饰相比 ,其反应性约高 2 6 6 %。结论 聚赖氨酸修饰的玻片较适合于制备蛋白质芯片。
Objective To evaluate four chemical modification methods of glass substrates for protein immobilization. Methods Four different kinds of glass slides were made: Glutaraldehyde modified glass, agarose film coated glass, mercapto-group modified glass, and polylysine modified glass. The efficiencies of protein immobilizing and the activities of immobilized proteins on the glass were discussed. Results All four kinds of modification methods have abilities in immobilizing proteins and keeping the activity of the proteins. Among them, the glass slides modified with polylysine have 31.5% higher efficiencies of protein immobilization and 26.6% higher activities of the proteins than that of glutaraldeh madified glasses. Conclusion The glasses modified with polylysine have higher efficiencies for protein immobilization and high activities of proteins.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine