
日本和韩国留学生对汉语句子主观感知距离研究 被引量:5

The Perception of Language Distance of Chinese Sentences by the Students from Japan and Korea
摘要 本研究采用自我报告的方式,以汉语母语大学生被试为参照,考察了具有初等汉语水平的日本和韩国留学生对汉语中主动宾句、存现句、主谓谓语句、相互动词句、“把”字句、“被”字句等8个常用句式加工的主观感知。结果显示,留学生对这些汉语句子的主观感知表现为与其母语类型密切相关的规律性,且这一规律与他们先前对这些句子理解和表达的客观表现的规律一致。研究发现,通过被试语言加工体验来报告主观感知难易是第二语言习得研究一个有效的方法。研究结论为在初等汉语水平学习阶段按学习者的母语类型组织教学提供了理论依据。 ' Language Distance' is what learners think the difference between their native language and a target language. In early studies, it has been found that it affects learners' perception of the target language. There has been on study on the difference between Chinese and foreign languages perceived by foreign students so far. Using self-report as a task, this paper explores the perception of language distance of Chinese sentences by the students from Japan and Korea, whose Chinese knowledge is on elementary level, and contrasts the results of foreign students with those of Chinese students. In the study, we chose eight types of Chinese sentences, including S-V-O construction, Existential construction, two topic-comment constructions, Ba and Bei constructions et al. S-V-O construction is similar to the sentence construction of a subject-prominent language; two topic-comment constructions are similar to those of a topic-prominent language. There are also Ba and Bei constructions, which have Ba and Bei as formal markednesses. Both the Japanese and Korean languages are regarded as topic-prominent as well as subject-prominent. In the study, subjects were requested to score the eight Chinese sentences after they processed them; this arrangement ensured that they scored each Chinese sentence reasonably. The subjects were asked to score these constructions according to the following procedure. First, they were asked to choose the first pair, and scored' 1' for the one which is easiest, and' 8' for the one which is most difficult to perceive. Then, they chose the second pair from the six constructions, and scored' 2' and ' 7' for each. Next, they scored' 3' and '6' for each of the third pair. In the end, there remained the last pair: they scored' 4' for the one which is easier, and' 5' for the one which is more difficult to perceive. We found that the perception of the language distance of Chinese sentence constructions by the Japanese and Korean students was close to that of the typical contructions in their native languages, and this was consistent with the case where they produced and comprehended the same constructions previously. For instance, they gave a lower score on the two topic-comment constructions than Chinese students did, for these constructions are similar to those of their native languages. So they thought these constructions were easier. But they gave a higher score to the sentence constructioins with Ba/Bei formal markednesses than Chinese students. The study shows that self-report is an effective method in the study of second language acquisition. The results suggest theoretically that such students need to be taught according to their native language in different typology while teaching them Chinese as a second language at the preliminary stage.
作者 王永德
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期188-192,170,共6页 Modern Foreign Languages
关键词 自我报告 汉语句子 母语类型 感知 语言距离 self-report, Chinese sentence, native language in different typology, perception, language distance
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