伟大浪漫主义诗人李白的诗被后人广为传诵 ,但他的赋却不为多数人熟悉 ,其实李白的赋在思想和艺术上具有独到之处 ,是他一生文学创作的萌芽和开端。他的古赋抒发建功立业的豪情和怀才不遇的忧伤 ,同时继承了汉大赋铺排扬厉 ,气势恢弘 。
The great romantic poet LiBai ,s poetry is widely known very well by later generations. But his gufu, in fact, is peculiar and particular in thought and art, with which the great majority are not familiar. His gufu was the embryo and beginning of his literary creation. It expressed his pride and enthusiasm for making contributions and startng an enterprise, and his sorrow and worry for his abilities suffering cold reception. And it carried on the characteristics that the Dafu of the Han Dynasty had romantic flavour of ' pupaiyangli, qishihuihong, kuazhangxieyi
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)