目的 评价两种方法 ( IRMA和 ELISA)检测新生儿脐带血 TSH的差异。方法 采集 1 49例正常产新生儿脐血滤纸干血标本 ,分别用 IRMA和 ELISA法检测滤纸干血斑 TSH浓度。结果 两种方法检测 1 49例新生儿脐血 TSH浓度 ,经秩和检验 ,差异无显著性 ( u=0 .72 2 ,P>0 .0 5 ) ;经直线相关检验 ,结果呈显著正相关 ( r=0 .95 5 1 ,P<0 .0 1 )。新生儿TSH值在 0~、5~、1 0~、1 5~、2 0~、2 5~各值段频率分布上 ,经 Fisher精确概率检验 ,同一地区两种方法的差异无显著性(合肥市 P=0 .885 ,金寨县 P=0 .2 98) ;同一方法在两个地区间的差异也无显著性 ( IRMA法 P=0 .0 80 ,ELISA法 P=0 .1 5 4) ,两种方法在两个地区检测结果中 TSH>5 m IU/ L的均超过 2 0 %。结论 IRMA和 ELISA法均可用于新生儿先天性甲减 ( CH)
Objective To estimate the differences between two methods immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on measuring neonatal cord blood TSH.Methods Cord blood TSH levels were measured in 149 normal neonates by IRMA and ELISA on filter paper blood spot.Results TSH values measured by IRMA and ELISA were no significant differences between two groups by rank sum test ( u=0 722,P >0 05).Additionally,a significant positive correlation was found between them ( r=0 955 1,P<0 01) .There were also no statistical differences in the frequencies of neonatal TSH between two areas or two methods by Fisher's exact test.The proportion of TSH values over 5 mIU/L was all more than twenty percents in two areas and in two methods.Conclusion The study demonstrates that the neonatal TSH values measured by IRMA on filter paper blood spot are the same as by ELISA. The two methods can all be used in screening neonatal congenital hypothyroidism(CH).
Journal of Clinical Transfusion and Laboratory Medicine