价值工程 (VE)是一种着重于功能分析 ,力求用最低的寿命成本可靠地实现必要功能的有组织的创造性活动 ,但是在过去 ,价值工程理论往往应用于产品的设计开发阶段 ,也就是主要在市场营销策略中的产品策略应用。本文重新从客户和厂商角度对营销过程进行价值工程分析 ,探讨了如何把价值工程原理应用到更广泛的营销组合策略整体以及改进营销组织中去 ,并以此提高企业的综合竞争能力。
VE was viewed as a kind of created technology, which emphasized on function analyzing and striving to implement the function with the fewest cost. But in the past this technology was only used in the phase of design and exploit of product. In this paper, this technology was expatiated in a new point of view; furthermore, applying the technology in this new way to market management strategy was also discussed.
Value Engineering