为了实现生产过程自动化系统中控制、维护和技术管理 3方面的集成 ,将分布式人工智能中的多 Agent系统技术引入智能控制 -维护 -管理系统 ( ICMMS)的建模中 ,提出一种适用于底层生产过程自动化系统的 ICMMS的多 Agent模型 ,分析了各个 Agent的功能以及它们之间的协作关系。在 ICMMS平台的研制中应用了该模型 ,利用 Profibus- FMS实现了 Agent间的通信。
In order to realize the integration of control, maintenance and technical management of a process automation system, a MAS-based model for the ICMMS is presented. This model has a distributed and hierarchical structure, which meets the needs of the information and function integration of ICMMS for the whole automation system. The structures, functions and cooperation relationship of these agents are discussed. The function distribution and integration of ICMMS can be easily implemented due to the capability of autonomy and cooperation of the agents within this model. The proposed model is applied to an ICMMS platform for Hydroelectric Generating Unit (HGU), in which the inter-agent communications are realized through Profibus-FMS network. The test results show the rationality of this MAS-based model.
Control and Decision
中国 -欧盟合作项目 ( EIAM- IPE INCO DC961744
CENNET IST- 2 0 0 0 - 2 873 9)