高校及理论战线积极推进“三个代表”重要思想新的“三进”工作 ,必须弄清楚这一思想新“三进”工作的要求、其自身的科学体系及和在此基础上形成的学科体系 ,这是理论界坚持与时俱进的必然要求 ,也是用发展着的马克思列宁主义认识时代。
Now,colleges and universities are learning and teaching of “three representing' principle enthusiastly.We think political teachers must learn new demands for this task.We must learn the scientific system and branches of “three representing' principle.This is a must for the theoretical circle to keep up with the time and embodies the guidance of the present work with the developing Marxism.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Social Science Edition)