本实验对6只出血性休克复苏后狗快速静注高渗碳酸氢钠后血流动力学反应进行了研究。5%NaHCO_3(1mmol/kg)静注后立即出现平均主动脉压下降,心率增快,注射后50s MAP、HR 恢复到注射前水平,然后血压逐渐升高,心输出量、平均肺动脉压和肺小动脉楔压,不同程度增高,外周血管阻力则比注射前降低,而且休克后仍存在的代谢性酸中毒得到显著改善。作者建议高渗碳酸氢钠静注速度宜慢,以防一过性低血压的发生。
The hemodynamic effects of rapid intravenocs injection of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate(5% NaHCO_3)following resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock were studied in 6 dogs.It was demonstrated that 5% NaHCO_3 injection(1 mmol/Kg)resulted in transcient MAP decrease and HR increase for 50 seconds immediately after injection,followde by MAP,CO,MPAP and PCWP increases and SVR de- crease in variable degree.Metabolic acidosis still existed after shock resuscitation was significantly im- proved,It is suggested that 5% NaHCO_3 be slowly given to prevent transcient hypotension from occur- ing.