

The Induced Change of Phytase in Tomato
摘要 测定了番茄果实不同生长阶段中植酸酶同磷酸根的关系,进行了酸性植酸酶的抗原 抗体反应,研究表明番茄果实中存在着植酸酶,植酸酶的活性同磷酸根的浓度成反比,当磷酸根的浓度大于0.26mmol/L时,植酸酶被完全抑制.通过使用适当的叶肥诱导剂,可以解除磷酸根对植酸酶的抑制作用,使植酸酶在番茄果实中得到表达. The antigenantibody reaction of the acidic phytase and the relations between the phytase and the phosphate in each growing step of the tomato pulp are measured. It is found that phytase exsits in the pulp of the tomato. The activity of the phytase is inverse proportion to the concentration of the phosphate and even is suppressed completely when the concentration of the phosphate exceeds 0.26 mmol/L. By using proper phytic acid as inducer the suppression of the phosphate on the phytase can be relieved. 
出处 《烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)》 CAS 2003年第2期114-118,共5页 Journal of Yantai University(Natural Science and Engineering Edition)
基金 863资助项目.
关键词 番茄 植酸酶 酶活性 叶肥诱导剂 促生长激素 抗原-抗体反应 磷酸根 tomato phytase activity of the phytase leaf food as inducer plant growth hormone
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