

Clinical-Pathological Analysis of 18 Cases of KruKenberg Tumors of the Ovary
摘要 18例卵巢克鲁根勃瘤临床症状、体征与病理形态的分析表明:此种肿瘤绝大多数以腹部或盆腔症状和体征为主,而忽视了该肿瘤的原发病灶及其临床症状,常被误诊为卵巢或子宫的原发性肿瘤。病理分型以典型型(13例)和小管型(3例)较多见,硬化型(1例)和混合型(1例)较少见。18例 PAS/AS 染色均为阳性,证明肿瘤细胞能分泌中性或酸性粘多糖类物质,且与胃肠道粘液细胞分泌物质类似,因此认为是一种转移性肿瘤。从临床观家看来,典型型和混合型共14例均在半年内死亡.预后差,小管型和硬化型4例在1.5~2年内死亡,预后较好。 An analysis was made clinically and pathologically of 18 cases of kruKenberg tumor.The materi- als of the presented series showed that most patients showed symptoms and signs caused by a mass in the peritoneal or pelvisal cavity.The mass was often mis-diagsed as a primary tumor of uterus or of ovary,while the true primary tumor was neglected.Histopathologically,KruKenberg tumors of the presented series could be classified into four types.The typical type(13 cases)and tubuler type(3 cases)were more common than the sclerotic type and mixed type(I cases respectively).Histochemi- cal technique revealed that sections of the 18 tumors were all PAS/AS positive.The results indicated that the cells of these tumors have the ability to secrete neutral or acidic mucosaccharide similar to the analogous materials secreted by the mucous cells of the gastrointestinal tract.We thus reasonably be- lieve that all tumors in our series were secondary.Clinical observation showed that patients with tu- mors of typical or mixed type had worse prognosis as all of those patient died in six months after the operation for tumor resection and patients with tumors of tubular or sclerotic type had better outlook for four patients with tumor of these types survived for 17 months to 2 years after the operation.
出处 《湖北医学院学报》 1992年第3期276-279,共4页
关键词 卵巢肿瘤 组织化学 粘多糖类 ovarian neoplasms histocytochemistry mucopolysaccharides
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