青岛是 2 0 0 8年北京奥运会部分水上项目承办城市 ,也是北京奥运的唯一伙伴城市 ;但是对照“绿色奥运”的理念和争办奥帆比赛时所作的承诺 ,青岛市在某些方面还存在一些不足。从城市综合环境、绿化环境、交通环境、大气环境和人文环境等几个不同侧面对存在问题作了分析 。
Qingdao is the only company city of Olympic Games Beijing 2008 to hold the Olympic sailing ship racing events, but there are still some shortcomings for Qingdao to hold the racing events in comparison with the green Olympic Games concept and the commitments for holding the Olympic Games. In this paper, the problems with urban environments including overall environment, green environment, traffic environment, atmospheric environment and cultural environment are analysed, and the measures to solve these problems are also proposed.
Coastal Engineering