目的 总结牙骨质 -骨化纤维瘤的X线表现特点。方法 对 1977~ 2 0 0 2年华西口腔医学院收治的 2 1例牙骨质 -骨化纤维瘤病例的X线片进行回顾性分析。结果 牙骨质 -骨化纤维瘤的X线表现特点为①多发于下颌骨前磨牙及磨牙区。②形态较为规则 ,边界清楚 ,部分周缘可有致密骨壁线。③病变区密度不均匀 ,为放射透光区与阻射区混杂存在。④病变区膨胀及相关牙受压移位明显 ,而牙根吸收不明显 ,病变区内可含牙。⑤发生于下颌的单囊性病变 :位于牙根下方 ,呈圆或类圆形 ,根尖下方有不规则的致密团块影 ,病变周围有致密骨壁线。结论 通过对牙骨质
Objective The aim of the present study was to describe the radiological characteristics of cementifying fibroma (CF).Methods 21 cases were retrospectively analyzed from 1977 to 2002。Results CF in radiology can be divided into three types: the first one is high density, the second one is mixed density, the last one is low density. Each type has definite feature.Conclusion The radiological characteristics of CF can, to some extent, help diagnose this lesion and select operational methods.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology