作为国际特品公司在皮肤脂质类似体领域推出的最新原料,在具有良好的安全性能的同时,ceraphyl RMT能以与皮肤角质层中神经酰胺和甾醇同样的作用方式和脂肪酸形成有序的脂质结构。当被应用于洗去型个人护理产品配方时,它能提供良好的长效保湿功能。同时,皮肤外观和纹理也能得到明显的改善。
As a new addition to ISP's growing range of lipid analogues,this Patent-Pending tech-nology has an excellent Safety Pro-file and has been shown to form structured liPids with fatty acids in a mallner similar to ceranmides and cho-lesterul in the stratum curneum.As an ingredient in rinse-off skincare product,it delivers quantifiable long-lasting moisturization.Skin texture and appearance are visibly improved.
China Cleaning Industry