中国加入世界贸易组织后 ,国外工程咨询业将凭借其优势开拓国内市场 ,从而国内建设监理业将面临新的挑战。在分析新形势的基础上 ,针对我国监理业的现状 ,以创国际监理品牌为中心目标 ,讨论了几点发展我国建设监理业 。
Since China enter the world trade organizations, the overseas project management industry will exploit the domestic markets by right of their advantages, so the domestic project management industry will meet with some new challenges. On the basis of analyzing the new conditions, aiming at the real complexion, in order to develop our project management and foster our corporations to have ability to participate in the international competition, the paper discusses some measures focused on establishing the name brand of project management.
Optimization of Capital Construction