描述了一种惯导辅助的基于GPS的航向姿态参考系统的设计与实现,主要工作包括两个方面:第一,采用最小二乘方法和乔里斯基分解,基于基线长度约束设计并实现了实时的GPS定姿系统;第二,采用低成本的光纤陀螺辅助CPS定姿系统,提出了基于姿态角约束的多分辨率方法,用于在GPS定姿失败的情况下,正确求解载体姿态。该系统经过船载航行实验,证明完全能够达到实时计算,在基线长度为3 m的条件下,航向角精度优于0.1°。
This paper describes the design and realization of inertial-aided GPS-based attitude heading reference system (AHRS). The work of the system can be divided into two parts: First, under the constrain of baseline length, the LSAST method and Cholesky decomposition are used to reduce ambiguity search space and realize the real-time GPS attitude system. Second, with the aid of low cost fibre gyros, the algorithm based on multiresolution method and the limit of attitude are proposed. It is used when the GPS attitude system can't solve the correct attitude of the carrier. This system has been tested on the sea. Under the condition that the baseline is 3 meters long, the accuracy of the yaw can reach 0.1°.
Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology