CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机热控系统的主要任务是在卫星规定的相机环境温度条件下 ,确保相机主体所需求的工作温度和温度梯度。CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机热控设计由被动和主动温控相结合实现 ,采用了多项新技术。作为中国第一台传输型CCD相机 ,从目前CBERS - 1卫星CCD相机在轨运行的遥测数据看 ,相机热控系统到达了设计指标的要求 ,运行良好 ,确保了CCD相机高可靠工作、并获得良好像质。
The main mission of the Ther.Ctrl.Sys(the thermal control system of CBERS-1 Satellite CCD camera) is to insure the work temperature of the CCD camera under the satellite environment. The Ther.Ctrl.Sys combined with the active thermal control and the passive thermal control, adopt a lot of new techniques. Being the first space CCD camera of China, the Ther.Ctrl.Sys has met the requirments of the design according to the telemeter data of camera in orbit. It has insured the high stablity and achived good quality images.
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing