通过电话及问卷形式调查了河南省 3 6所高校和豫东地区八所大中专院校 15 3名体育教师的课时待遇情况 ,结果表明 ,我省绝大部分高校体育教师的收入普遍低于其它学科教师和重点中学体育教师 ,略高于体育机关干部。大部分体育教师选择适当拉开差距的分配形式。调查获得了体育教师之间、与同行领导及校领导之间各种不同收入的EDT值 ,分析了影响体育教师工作积极性的因素。
Investigation about PE teachers' incomes through telephone survey and questionnaire indicates that PE teachers' incomes in most high institutions in Henan province are generally lower than those of other course teachers in high institutions and of teachers in important high schools, but a bit higher than those of PE officials Most PE teachers select the allocation model of keeping a moderate-income allocation difference The investigation acquires the EDT values between PE teachers, junior and senior officials in these high institutions Factors that influence PE teachers'activity are also analyzed in this paper
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University